Monday, November 30, 2009

Pay Attention my Cannibal Clan.....

A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.
Thomas Jefferson

Ladies and gentlemen, in a previous post I made a claim, strictly based upon my own opinion (which, as you know, I can do) stating that the "Obama machine" was doing its best to "lull us into a false sense of security". I stated that I felt as if there was a "Trojan Horse" type of strategy taking place... the government silently taking over the private sector business/free enterprise opportunities in this county... now, that was just opinion.. now, I think I have proof.... no "I told you so's" here... just frustration and the knowledge that we are truly in trouble in America. Take a look at the following information, links and charts. Disturbing to say the least. This information was compiled from online resources, periodicals and other media. It is out there and available for you and the masses to see... but, it's NOT being thrown around, yet...

Obama himself lacks any real private sector experience. If you read Obama's books you will find where he refers to his brief stint working in the private sector as "working behind enemy lines." The sector of our country where people work together in voluntary collusion Obama calls "the enemy.' Obama much prefers the sector that works through force and coercion.

What about his key advisors? What about his cabinet? Take a look at the link. Here you will see the private sector experience of key cabinet members dating back to Teddy Roosevelt. Notice that the average runs somewhere around 50%. This would mean that from the days of Roosevelt forward, key presidential cabinet members had spent about 50% of their working lives in the private sector. But ... take a look at Obama's cabinet. The figure is between 7% and 8%. The lowest EVER!!!

Now, this information is NOT mine. But, I found it while researching my position. This puts into perspective, at least for me, the consorted effort of this administration to steer this nation into a socialist government... and likely worse. Obama, by his own volition, is a Marxist... wow... Again, "Remember Communist Russia"... "Keyword: Remember"

Maybe this explains why Obama and his administration seem to believe that government is truly the answer to all of our problems.

More to eat... be back soon.... It will lighten up a bit.. there are personal things to share... okay... get others on board... share my blog... it wants to grow...

Okay... time to eat...

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Yes.. it is Thanksgiving...

Well... as this cannibal prepares to eat turkey and all the trimmings, I want to take a moment and truly give thanks.

I am truly blessed to live in a country that grants us the freedom to enjoy a holiday like this one. A time to spend with my family and loved ones to look back and realize all that we do truly have.

Yes, we do... I do... take that for granted. I'm ashamed to say that, as an American, I too have taken for granted far too long the majesty of this great nation and her people.

So, first, thank you God for the many blessing that I know that I don't deserve but that you freely bestow upon me. I have no fear that Your will shall guide us in the direction that we are to be in. Thank you.

Second, I want to thank every service person.. every soldier in ANY theater of war or stateside. I want to apologize for taking my freedom and liberties for granted that ALL OF YOU so selflessly allow me to enjoy sitting in my warm house on this computer as if it were pre-determined for me to do so. You work and die, everyday for this. Your price is high, but you know, as we should all know as Americans, that freedom isn't free. Thank you and God bless you.

And finally, but certainly not least; to the families of those brave men and women mentioned above. Your sacrifice is probably the hardest. The long hours of fathers, mothers, sons and daughters.. not knowing and fearing the worst. Having to listen to the rhetoric of an ungrateful government and a people that pass you by.

From all of us that understand and appreciate, thank you and God bless all of you today and forever.

This cannibal is going to eat... I'll be back soon.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Yes it has been a while... soon, you'll see why...

Well, just 'good grief'... in my best Charlie Brown disgusted tone...
What the hell, America? I have spent a lifetime enjoying the freedoms that so many have afforded me. Perhaps, and by design, I have taken all of it for granted. But, at some point, we wake up; we begin to see the realities around us. We stop relying on the magic of youth to guide our way in life. Ladies and gentlemen, we are supposed to take responsibility for our actions, our lives, our very existence.

I am so appalled at the world around me.... blah, blah, blah... ok, everyone I know feels that way. Unfortunately, only a very few of us can, will and are doing anything about it.

What am I referring to? Well, unless you're under a rock.. or in college focusing on pop culture... that being current music, trends, fashion.. etc.. (for the dumb masses... ) and you can tell us everything about American Idol or Miley Cyrus.. but not a damn thing about this country and its pathetic leadership... you already know.

History does indeed repeat itself, and recently a very dear friend and I were having that discussion. We are at the top of the circle about to be cresting the curve into the downward slope on the good 'ole repeat mode of history. It's taken 233+ years to come full circle.. but, by God.. here it is... we have finally become the same tyrannical, oppressive, controlling, taxing and demanding without representation country that we fled from. AND....AND.... We are sitting back and allowing the most inept, lying, cheating, Constitution bashing leader (Barack Obama) and his Gestapo thugs lull us into a mindset that the economy and this country is failing because of our arrogance, greed, Christian based beliefs and a myriad of shit that has NOTHING to do with anything except their agenda in fooling the dumb masses into thinking that the government is the win all, be all savior to this situation.... What the Hell..??

The economy, etal... is not so bad that it can't be corrected with simple numbers and strategies already in place. However, the Obama machine is keeping the country in a state of fear until their government gains more control of the private sector business in our nation.. then, suddenly, and almost overnight, they will announce the end of recession and a new era with government controlled industries, medical care, housing and banking... Oh, shit.... Communist Russia... remember them??

Key word: "Remember"

I can't even think straight enough to write well right now...

Push this blog... and let's get started waking folks up... I've only just begun to write... I welcome all opinions... just know.. this is MY blog and I rule it supreme.

Time to eat some more... see you soon...

Monday, July 13, 2009

Well Hell......

It's hard to articulate the "dripping southern drawl" that the title of the post should exude.. so, say it in your head... "Weuwwlll Heuwwlll".... drawing it out much like a quote from Squidbillies...

I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while... I've been rather busy.. and my afternoons and evenings have been full of exciting forays into the most fascinating opportunities that I have ever come across in my years of existence... or, I've been lazy... but, seriously, I've been busy!!

For those that don't know, I am a partner in a marketing firm. We handle advertising, copy writing, promotion, public relations, staff/team building... and a myriad of additional services. Well, our promotion bug has allowed us to become concert promoters!!! Not bad for what some can term a "Home Based Business"... but yes.. we are partnered with our TV and radio friends and a Nashville recording artist to promote her album debut concert.. right in Senoia, GA.

Why Senoia? Well, that was my first question. As it turns out, she has roots here and a very dear friend of hers, from Peachtree City, wrote a song that appears on her new album.

The work we do, is not hard work.. well, from a physical standpoint. However, the creative aspect can be grueling.. and any of you that have worked in a capacity to "create" but try to use the "vision" of a... let's call them.. "non-creative".. you know the frustration that can ensue...

I'm going to be shifting my focus in the coming days to discuss several topics about my business exploits... partially for the entertainment value and to glean ideas from all of you.. and partially to do an experiment with a new software I'm checking out for my blog... I'll update everyone on it if it works...

I'll be back soon... tell others about me... Time to eat some more!!!!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

The futality of man... as viewed from the weeds...

Funny... life has a way of showing itself to you in varying ways. Yes, yes, that sounds cliche`, however, what I mean is... even if your position changes... it still reveals the same thing... your interpretation is all that changes... it's up to you to decide, upon your view, how to deal with that which you are witnessing.

To borrow a quote; "I listen less to what men say and watch more of what they do..." the old adage, 'actions speak louder than words' has finally made its permanent residence in my psyche. It has truly become 'words to live by.' It is inevitable, man will let you down. As my dear friend Clay Perry so adequately states, the only thing you have is trust (your word) in this world. While I'm the first to agree, it is not always possible to be comfortable sharing everything with everyone, there is a point where out-right lying becomes pathological.

For everyone, life is viewed through a meter. Everyone has their interpretation of "their" life. Verbally, blue is blue, red is red, etc... however, is the blue you see the same as the blue I see? My point is, as hard as one may try to convince another that what is true and tangible, is, well... true and tangible, to the other party, it's just as real to them that it is not. This is an inborn response to authority, fear, inexperience... whatever. Simply put, it is a defense mechanism employed by said party to protect whatever weakness they are concerned of exposing. I feel it is less out of malice or ignorance than it is out of sheer repetition of protecting themselves from their internal fear. Once you repeat something long enough, you believe it. In many cases, it is so real, that nothing, even witnessing the opposite, can change your mind.

Hmmm.... I suppose I could clarify my reason for venting this opinion... well, let's just say that there are people both in my life and on the fringe that amaze me at their ability to live totally isolated in their own world... I don't mean that figuratively, I mean... complete with street signs, restaurants and travel plans... it's a Bizzaro world that I feel like the only sane person in... but, I admit, I may be the only insane person... who knows?

I'll be back soon... got to eat some more people....

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Life and Whatnot...

Last night I had the good fortune of seeing my great friend Jim before he debarked on his journey back to Washington D.C. to NASA... where he runs the whole damn thing...

We gathered, briefly at C.S. Perry's abode and discussed 20 year old topics as if they had happened just yesterday. As my great friend Clay Perry has pointed out... it only takes a few moments, with our group, to settle back into that mindset... reliving and absorbing the past through each other. I think it's fair to say that we, as a group, agree that the connection we all have is unique. All of us can pick up a phone, send an email or just meet... and whether it has been 6 days or 6 years... time melts instantly and our conversation resumes as if there is no gap at all. How fortunate are we to have that?

Although Jim had to be in town for a personal family issue, his time here with us was golden. I think it allowed us to regain another part of our history and put that piece of the puzzle in place as we build the bridge to our ultimate goal... of world domination (naturally).

I can honestly say, that having been married for 14 years (entangled for 16), I truly missed my friends.. for that matter, myself. Over the past year as I've rediscovered my life and my true personality, I realize how far off of the path I had ventured. This past weekend was the first time that my closest and dearest friends from my youth had been gathered in one place... and to be a part of it, at least for me, was magical.. hell, it was therapeutic. I didn't worry about offending anyone.. I wasn't expected to be "done soon"... I could let my hair down (figuratively of course, dammit). I was me again. I haven't laughed so hard, remembered so much or been happier.

I was very fortunate to have my girlfriend with me. She loved every moment and by all accounts everyone was happy to see me happy. Because of who we all are (the group)... musicians with histories and past girlfriends... the obvious jokes about Yoko-Ono abounded... but, I would have expected nothing less!!!!

Life has a way of throwing things at us that we don't expect... yes, it's cliche'... but having been served with divorce papers ( a year ago today, mind you), I'm a believer... it was tragic... but, realizing after a year that you were married to your vows... and didn't know the person on the other side of the bed... has a way of forcing you to take stock of your life and actions...

Looking back.. I remember so many people casually, respectfully but, emphatically telling me to take a look at my marriage..... hmmm.... Percy Sledge had it right..."Loving eyes can never see..." I never claimed to be perfect..... but now... I'm closer than I've ever been.

More to come.... as I dust off the memory box... I will be adding much more..

I'm still hungry.... headed out to eat some more life........

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The first holiday of the Summer.... hmmm

Yes, Memorial Day. A time to reflect upon all of those men and women that have paid the ultimate price for our freedoms. A time to honor those that currently serve in our military forces; giving their time and service to allow us to do what we're doing now...

Sadly, it sounds cliche' when written in this manner. We are a nation of tremendous pride, yet, we lack the backbone, now, to firmly stand our ground on our own principles. While I agree, there are many out there that can and do, the voice of the opposition is louder than ours.

Let me be clear, this is not a politcal forum. I'm not going to fill each post with rhetoric to bolster one side and condemn another side of the political battlefield. That is not my place. I will however, state my opinions normally, as I should.. it is, after all, a blog... but, just as many of my friends have and do before me, I want to share and enjoy comments from any and all people.

As my title suggests, I am a cannibal.... it is, however, in the sense of "eating up life" as opposed to sitting down with ...."fava beans and a nice chiante...." to eat the entrails of some poor bastard that I met on the street. It's so much more rewarding to do that in words....

So... Memorial Day.. .and the preceding weekend was an amazing time of sight and sound. Great friends, memories and catching up with loved ones. I have a new found respect for my friends and their abilities to remember and rekindle.... period. It is truly inspiring to witness the interaction of bonds so strong and old, as they dissolve the years in a matter of seconds and suddenly, there we are... just as we always were.... connected, rooted and united!!

That is the other part of Memorial Day for me now. Along with the countless men and women that served and are serving our great nation, to allow us our lives and freedoms... from this moment forward... this holiday will remind me of the personal sacrifices, victories and defeats on a much closer and personal level.... those of my friends and family. The small but very important pieces of life that make each of us who and what we are.... Thank you my loved ones!!

More to eat.... I will be back soon.

Monday, May 25, 2009


... and so it begins.. the new mindset.. a whole new reality.. no.. not really, this is simply the very real rediscovery of a soul.. right before your eyes. Those that know me.. get it. And hopefully will share this blog with you..

Join me.. I'm like you.. and unlike you.. as much as you're like and unlike me.... That, my dear friends is what makes us real... yeah.. it's blah, blah... but, as I allow myself to unfold before you.. I promise... we'll keep each other riveted at times...

I've spent 16 years "behind the curtain".. and those that know me.. know what I mean. So, sit down, rest a moment and come into my head. To quote lyrics from a pretty decent song..."some of it magic, some of it tragic, but I had a good life all the way...."

Welcome aboard. I'm Rob, and I'm glad to meet you.....