Monday, November 30, 2009

Pay Attention my Cannibal Clan.....

A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.
Thomas Jefferson

Ladies and gentlemen, in a previous post I made a claim, strictly based upon my own opinion (which, as you know, I can do) stating that the "Obama machine" was doing its best to "lull us into a false sense of security". I stated that I felt as if there was a "Trojan Horse" type of strategy taking place... the government silently taking over the private sector business/free enterprise opportunities in this county... now, that was just opinion.. now, I think I have proof.... no "I told you so's" here... just frustration and the knowledge that we are truly in trouble in America. Take a look at the following information, links and charts. Disturbing to say the least. This information was compiled from online resources, periodicals and other media. It is out there and available for you and the masses to see... but, it's NOT being thrown around, yet...

Obama himself lacks any real private sector experience. If you read Obama's books you will find where he refers to his brief stint working in the private sector as "working behind enemy lines." The sector of our country where people work together in voluntary collusion Obama calls "the enemy.' Obama much prefers the sector that works through force and coercion.

What about his key advisors? What about his cabinet? Take a look at the link. Here you will see the private sector experience of key cabinet members dating back to Teddy Roosevelt. Notice that the average runs somewhere around 50%. This would mean that from the days of Roosevelt forward, key presidential cabinet members had spent about 50% of their working lives in the private sector. But ... take a look at Obama's cabinet. The figure is between 7% and 8%. The lowest EVER!!!

Now, this information is NOT mine. But, I found it while researching my position. This puts into perspective, at least for me, the consorted effort of this administration to steer this nation into a socialist government... and likely worse. Obama, by his own volition, is a Marxist... wow... Again, "Remember Communist Russia"... "Keyword: Remember"

Maybe this explains why Obama and his administration seem to believe that government is truly the answer to all of our problems.

More to eat... be back soon.... It will lighten up a bit.. there are personal things to share... okay... get others on board... share my blog... it wants to grow...

Okay... time to eat...