... and so it begins.. the new mindset.. a whole new reality.. no.. not really, this is simply the very real rediscovery of a soul.. right before your eyes. Those that know me.. get it. And hopefully will share this blog with you..
Join me.. I'm like you.. and unlike you.. as much as you're like and unlike me.... That, my dear friends is what makes us real... yeah.. it's blah, blah... but, as I allow myself to unfold before you.. I promise... we'll keep each other riveted at times...
I've spent 16 years "behind the curtain".. and those that know me.. know what I mean. So, sit down, rest a moment and come into my head. To quote lyrics from a pretty decent song..."some of it magic, some of it tragic, but I had a good life all the way...."
Welcome aboard. I'm Rob, and I'm glad to meet you.....
39" Hand Carved Oak Walking Stick
11 years ago
hello rob.. i'm clay.. welcome to hell....